In today's article, we were keen to highlight the differences between Turkish citizenship and Arab nationalities, as long as obtaining another nationality has become common among many people who are looking forward to a better future, in addition to that, acquired nationalities provide freedom of travel and movement to countries that may be difficult to travel To her through the nationality of the mother, so read on to learn more.
Egyptian nationality
The following are the criteria for obtaining Egyptian citizenship:
- By depositing an amount of $750,000 and retrieving it in Egyptian currency at the exchange rate announced by the Central Bank after five years.
- By depositing an amount of 250,000 US dollars, according to a bank transfer from abroad, and it is not refundable.
- By depositing an amount of one million US dollars, according to a bank transfer from abroad, it will be refunded after three years in Egyptian currency at the exchange rate announced by the Central Bank.
- Buying a property for an amount of not less than 500 thousand US dollars, transferred from abroad, provided that the buildings and lands available for sale are determined, within a maximum period of 30 days from the date of issuance of the decision.
- Participating in an investment project or establishing a project with a value of $400,000, with a participation rate of no less than 40% of the total amount.
Algerian nationality
Foreigners can obtain Algerian nationality through the following methods:
- Obtaining citizenship through marriage, provided that the marriage is legal, and not customary, for a period of not less than three years.
- Algerian nationality is granted in exceptional cases.
- The possibility of obtaining citizenship through naturalization, which means that he has resided on Algerian soil for seven years.
Turkish citizenship
In recent years, there is no doubt that Turkish citizenship has become more common among millions of foreign investors, especially Arabs, especially since the Turkish government is working to facilitate procedures for all local citizens and foreign investors. The following are the most prominent ways to obtain Turkish citizenship:
- Through real estate investment in Turkey with a minimum value of 400 thousand US dollars.
- When you marry a citizen of Turkish origin, you may be entitled to obtain citizenship after three years of marriage.
- It is possible to become a Turkish citizen through adoption, by adopting a citizen of Turkish origin.
- If you have been working for a company based in Turkey for at least five years, you may be eligible for citizenship.
- One of the most common ways to obtain citizenship is a bank deposit in a Turkish bank.
Documents necessary to obtain Turkish citizenship
You may be wondering about the required documents, as follows:
- Submit a birth certificate for each family member, and it must be certified by a notary or notary.
- Bring 2 biometric photos with a white background for each member of your family.
- The passport and its translation into Turkish and its authentication by the notary public or the consulate in the country of origin, and it must be in three copies.
- In the event that the citizenship was obtained through marriage, the marriage contract document must be submitted, translated and certified by the notary.
- Health and earthquake insurance policy.
- If the citizenship is obtained through the purchase of a property, it is very necessary to bring the real estate appraisal document.
- Bring the apartment capo paper or what is known as the title deed.
- A paper to register the temporary residence and pay the fees due for it.
- Receipt from your confirming bank to pay for the apartment.
Why is Turkish citizenship popular among investors?
Where the Turkish government offers several advantages that the Turkish citizen enjoys on Turkish soil and abroad, including:
- The ability to travel to approximately 102 countries without obtaining a visa or prior entry visa.
- The Turkish citizen enjoys several free benefits, including: higher education, medical services and the health care system.
- You can get an E2 visa.
Turkey is one of the easy cities to live in due to the low cost of living.
- The possibility of benefiting from tax incentives when investing in real estate in Turkey or buying apartments.
- You have the right to vote in various state elections.
- Turkey is one of the most powerful countries on the political and economic front.
- Keep your original nationality as Turkey allows the duality system.
- Work anywhere without a work permit.
- Exemption from military service if you are over the age of 22.
Reasons for rejecting the Turkish citizenship application
There are common reasons that may reject the application for naturalization, the most prominent of which are:
- That one of the papers is not approved or authorized by the Republic of Turkey.
- Violation of any of the aforementioned conditions in the previous paragraphs.
- The criminal record is not free of crimes.
- In the event that it is proven that you have committed fraud or submitted forged papers.
- Forgery of educational certificates.
- In the event that it is proven that you were not legally married and this marriage was proven by the court.

Saudi nationality
A person born inside or outside the Kingdom to foreign parents, or to a foreign father and a Saudi mother, or vice versa, has the right to obtain Saudi nationality, but with established conditions, namely:
- To be aware of the Arabic language.
- He must be of good conduct and has never been sentenced to a criminal judgment or a prison sentence for a moral crime.
- To have the status of permanent residence in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia upon reaching the age of majority.
- To submit within the year upon reaching the age of majority a request to be granted Saudi Arabian nationality.
IstHomes real estate company always answers your questions:
We are keen to constantly monitor various and important topics.
We answer your inquiries aboutTurkish citizenship.
We talk aboutreal estate residencyand other residencies.
We share with you the steps tobuy real estate in Turkey.
We offer you information aboutreal estate investment in Turkey.
We simplify the procedures that you must take when buying a property in Turkey.
We highlight the most important areas for buying apartments in Istanbul.
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